Acetylated monodiglycerol fatty acids (ACETEM)
  • Acetylated monodiglycerol fatty acids (ACETEM)

Acetylated monodiglycerol fatty acids (ACETEM)



Chemical name: Acetylated monodiglycerol fatty acid ester (ACETEM)

Standard specification: The product complies with the national food safety standard for food additives - Acetylated monodiglycerol fatty acid esters GB1886.80

Product characteristics: White to light yellow liquid or powdery solid, with differences in solubility and performance depending on the degree of acetylation. Insoluble in cold water, hot water, and cold fats. Soluble in hot oils and fats.

Application details

This product has the characteristics of emulsification, dispersion, and film-forming, and can be used in fields such as chewing gum, cream, and coatings.

(1) In the production of ice cream, acetylated monodiglycerol fatty acids can help mix fat and water evenly, forming a delicate and smooth taste.

(2) In the production of foods such as bread and pastries, it can effectively prevent starch aging, keeping the food soft and elastic in taste. At the same time, it can also inhibit fat aggregation and prevent food from hardening and spoilage during storage.

(3) In the production of fresh wet Rice noodles, it can ensure that the product is uniform in thickness, smooth in surface, non sticking, less bubbles and elastic in the extrusion stage; In the cooking stage, it can prevent the separation of starch components in the cooking process, prevent the surface of fresh and wet Rice noodles from becoming sticky and adhesive, increase the elasticity of fresh and wet Rice noodles, improve its strength and processing performance, improve its strength, prevent breaking, aging and oxidative deterioration.

Instructions for use:

(1) Add this product to water above 60 ℃, stir, disperse and dissolve before use, or mix with the product. As this product is easily soluble in oil, it can also be heated and dissolved together with oil before use.

(2) Use according to the provisions of GB2760 "Standard for the Use of Food Additives".

Packaging and storage and transportation

Packaging: Net weight 25kg/box

Storage and transportation: Sealed and stored in a low temperature, dry, cool and ventilated place to prevent moisture absorption and clumping. It is strictly prohibited to mix and store with flammable, explosive, toxic and harmful substances. 12 months of unopened storage period

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